Sample Jacks

We hand selected our jack for breeding purposes based on a number of factors but primarily those that have a reputation of producing good natured, athletic, pleasure equines.  We evaluate jacks on their performance and placings at the major mule shows, in various events, as well as the results of their off spring.   Lastly, if we are breeding for a specific color, then we will factor in the genetic coloring of the male donkey.

EXCLUSIVE JACK AGREEMENT: We are humbled and honored to have entered into the first of it’s kind, exclusive agreement with Genesis Farms. This agreement is specific to the talented, versatile, and stunning jack, Genesis 1.0 (Onesy). Genesis farms has a long-standing history of breeding top notch jacks that excel at many disciplines. We were intrigued with Onesy when we saw a jack and rider, Candace Shauger, doing flying lead changes with ease, and beautiful movement, in the middle of an open grass field. We explored further his confirmation and gorgeous head (that does not have the bump on the front that some jack owners choose to mask with a halter). Unfiltered, raw, natural pictures/videos…...We were hooked. We bred our two top mares and after having the most compliant, confirmationally correct babies to date, we inquired about exclusivity with Onesy in North and Central Idaho. As well as East and Central Washington. We desired to protect our regional interests. The right mare and jack combination is crucial, as is our dedicated committed hands-on approach to working with our babies from the time they hit the ground to when we hand the lead rope to the new owner. This truly sets us apart. We plan to continue down this path in years to come as it has proved to produce successful outcomes!



Genesis 1.0

New for 2021 breeding. Genesis Farms. Genesis 1.0 (Onesy) combines the genetics of three NASMDA Hall of Fame Sires, TJC Clyde, Jarratt’s Desert Prince and A-Jacks El-Gato. Genesis 1.0 is forward moving with an unlimited lope, tractable and athletically built. With Genesis 1.0, you have a jack that brings an unrivaled pedigree to our breeding program, with all the attributes that make for superior mule production.

Genesis 1.0 Registration

Genesis 1.0 Pedigree

Genesis 1.0 Photo Gallery

Onesy Video exhibiting athleticism, agility and movement
  • Genesis 1.0

    New for 2021 breeding. Genesis Farms. Genesis 1.0 (Onesy) combines the genetics of three NASMDA Hall of Fame Sires, TJC Clyde, Jarratt’s Desert Prince and A-Jacks El-Gato. Genesis 1.0 is forward moving with an unlimited lope, tractable and athletically built. With Genesis 1.0, you have a jack that brings an unrivaled pedigree to our breeding program, with all the attributes that make for superior mule production.

    Genesis 1.0 Registration

    Genesis 1.0 Pedigree

    Genesis 1.0 Photo Gallery

    Onesy Video exhibiting athleticism, agility and movement